Shake It Off Tot Gym is started up again on October 11th! It runs from 9:30 am - 11:30 am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Tot Gym is a warm and safe place for toddlers and preschoolers to play and burn off some energy while moms and caregivers meet and build relationships. Tot Gym could use a volunteer to help set up on Tot Gym days at 9 am. Please call Sarah Comstock or Jane Mattox if you are willing to help. Thank you!

Christian Education Opportunities
Check out what is available:

Pastor Mike’s Ordination
The ordination process is the recognition of God's call on a person's life to Christian Gospel ministry. It is a procedure by which an individual is examined to confirm that they are qualified and gifted for this service. Pastor Mike had his ordination examination on Friday, September 6th at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary. During that time, Mike's conversion to Christ, call to Christian ministry, philosophy of ministry, and doctrinal statements will be publicly evaluated by an ordination council composed of the CFF elders and another local pastor. A livestream of that event can be accessed here: Pastor Mike's Ordination Examination.

Are you interested in helping the people of CFF become involved in areas of ministry that best fit their interests, gifts, passions, temperaments and experiences? We need your help! We are very thankful for the work that Carolyn Schwarz has faithfully done as our Volunteer Coordinator for the past two years, but she is ready to let someone else have a turn. If you feel that you would have skill and passion in helping connect people with opportunities to serve, please prayerfully consider stepping up as our Volunteer Coordinator.
If you are interested, please let the office or Pastor Mike know.

Christian Family Fellowship recognizes the need to minister to and care for one another beyond our current volunteer ministries. The Helping Hands restart would expand our opportunities to help others, not necessarily in our church only,·but as a coordinated outreach to those around us. Possible areas of help include:
► Driver or companion to and from appointments
► Snow shoveling
► Seasonal cleanup
► Special building or cleaning projectere you can further participate with the body.
Please fill out the form below and return it to the church office. For more information please call Carolyn Schwartz

Volunteer for Helping Hands
Download File
Awana still needs a couple of men helpers.
The Awana store would appreciate monetary donations or items to sell in the store.

Shake It Off Tot Gym's last day for the year was April 24th.! It ran from 9:30 am - 11:30 am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Tot Gym is a warm and safe place for toddlers and preschoolers to play and burn off some energy while moms and caregivers meet and build relationships. Tot Gym could use a volunteer to help set up on Tot Gym days at 9 am. Please call Sarah Comstock or Jane Mattox if you are willing to help. We start up again Next October. Thank you!

Save Your Cans
Ella Rose has graciously offered to collect aluminum cans to benefit the church youth. Please save your cans and put them in the barrel on the east side of the ‘Lighthouse’ building. If you don’t know where the Lighthouse building is, it’s to the left of the church office. Ella checks and empties the barrel periodically and turns in the proceeds to the church office. Thank you, Ella, for taking on this ministry!

Daily Bread's Discovery Series
You will notice outside the Prayer Room (by the coat rack), there are several different booklets available with interesting topics. Please feel free to take one or two. They are free!

Children's Church is in need of teachers. It would involve a one Sunday a month commitment. All supplies and lessons are provided and ready for you each Sunday. You do not need to have a teaching certificate or extensive Bible training or knowledge to be qualified. All we ask is that you have a personal relationship with Christ, attend church regularly, and are willing to share God's truths to the children. You can even learn alongside the children as you go. Please let me know if you are interested or if you have helped in the past and would like to continue helping.
Volunteers are still needed in the nursery! Lately ,we haven't had many children in our nursery at CFF. But, we want to make sure that if we have visitors that someone is available, especially if those visitors are looking for a church family. Please consider taking a monthly turn to make sure this ministry is available each Sunday morning. If you have any questions, please talk with Sarah Comstock.
Thank you, Sarah Comstock

Your help is wanted and needed. Check out Opportunities to Serve page by clicking here: /opportunities-to-serve

CFF Gathering for Prayer
We will be meeting each Sunday in the CFF library from 8:25 a. m. to 8:45. This time will be devoted to praying exclusively for every facet of the services of our church on that particular Sunday. You are welcome to come for all or any part of the time. We will provide a handout to guide us during this time.

There is a rack with several small biblical counseling booklets in the foyer outside the main doors to the auditorium that provide biblical insight and wisdom for all kinds of life issues. Please feel free to browse these resources and if you'd like to take one for yourself or someone else please do so. If you'd like to help defray the cost of the booklets, we are suggesting a donation of $1.00 per booklet. Your donation can be placed in the offering box in an offering envelope marked "Counseling Booklets".If you don't have a dollar--no worries--just take whatever booklet you need.

BOOK RACK (in the lobby)
REMINDER: If you've taken a book off of the Book Rack in the Lobby, please make sure that you follow up and pay for it using the envelope provided in the book or by noting the book you are purchasing on the memo line if paying by check. In order to continue providing quality resources for our congregation, we do need to make sure that we collect the money for each book. Please know that we aren't making any money on this ministry, but we do strive to break even so that we can keep the book rack stocked! Thank you!